“Early COVID” Boring Masks Are Passe
Remember the early days of the coronavirus? Think back to April and May. Sun Valley, including yours truly, was scrambling to find any mask we could. The most popular one of the time was probably the all-purpose surgical-style mask, but those days are long gone. People are becoming a lot more creative in Sun Valley. And why not? If you have to cover your face every time you go out there’s an incentive to make it entertaining and not just boring.
If you want a real giggle check out the insider.com website for their list of the most creative masks from around the world.

Here in Sun Valley I’ve seen plain masks as well as neck gaiters. I’ve seen people with their entire head covered. I’ve also seen mask decorations like crosses or proclamations that God is great. I’ve also seen masks that are humorous, like the ones that have a huge smile palstered on them. I kind of like the ones that have a face on them so that at least I can pretend I see my neighbors face not have it obscured by some piece of cloth.
That just goes to show how ingenious people can and will be when confronted with an obstacle. We see it in restaurants that remain open by serving meals outdoors and even churches that are holding services in parking lots under tents. We also see it in ourselves as we get more creative with the masks we are forced to wear.
What’s Jose Mier’s Mask of Choice?
I must confess that I have not been that creative myself. After dealing with one mask after another and not having it fit or being too hard to breathe in, I settled for one of those neck gaiters. I like the fact that I can just pull it over my head and I’m ready to go. It’s also washable so I don’t have to look for another mask. But I stand in awe of those who have really put forth some effort to personalize their personal protective equipment period
We need all the humor we can get these days.