Sun Valley and Burbank Excited
Jose Mier drives Sun Valley often and one of the things on his list is to check the progress of the Avion Burbank development. In May Jose took a drive past the mostly-completed buildings on Hollywood Way. In fact, most of the exteriors are complete. Even the Sun Valley side of the development bordering San Fernando Rd looks pretty complete.

You can watch the embedded video on this page for a visual overview of the project starting from San Fernando Rd and turning onto Hollywood Way. The first view is a north-south view which is followed by another south-north pass by the buildings. Streets inside the complex have been paved although no cars are yet allowed inside. Burbank city water and power teams are still working on some things where Hollywood Way meets San Fernando, but further south this road has been completely repaved. Whether or not this was an already scheduled project on the part of Burbank is unknown but Hollywood Way repaving spans from Avion, south past the airport entrance and down to the regional transport center.
It should only be a short while before Avion Burbank is totally finished. Jose Mier looks forward to that day.

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