Some Good, Some Bad
Like just about every community in America, Sun Valley California has its share of crime. As part of greater Los Angeles we rely on the Los Angeles Police Department to protect us. Because Jose Mier Sun is concerned with all aspects of life in Sun Valley, I took a look at some of the crime statistics in order to keep up to date.

I have some good news to report as well as areas that need improvement. Overall, Sun Valley is in a good position, however in one area, violent crime, we have a higher rate then the national average. According to FBI data from 2019—the latest data available —Sun Valley had an estimated 480 incidents a violent crime per 100,000 people. This is above the national average of 379 per 100,000.
In total, however ,the estimate of crime in Sun Valley for every 100,000 persons is just over 2,400. Compare this to Los Angeles is a whole which has about 3,100 incidents. The state of California also has about 2,700 incidence of crime per 100,000 people so while we can’t rest on any laurels we can see that our crime rate is a bit lower in other areas. Compared to the national average we’re just about even.
Jose Mier Recommends Neighborhood Watch
Because I live and in Sun Valley I can personally tell you but I feel very safe. I am grateful to the LAPD whose job it is to police this area and I see them regularly making the rounds of our community. Any amount of crime is too much, however. We as citizens need to be vigilant, take precautions, and get involved. For the residential neighborhoods this means things like becoming a member of your local neighborhood watch and reporting any suspicious activity that you see. In this case we are kind of our brothers’ keepers. We also need to get familiar with our neighbors so that we can depend on them and they can depend on us if the need arises.
Crime is an unfortunate reality everywhere and we need to do all that we can to prevent crying from occurring. Aside from me emotional and psychological effects on people, increased crime is simply bad for business. Businesses don’t want to move into high crime areas and if we are looking to boost the local Sun Valley economy we need to take steps to see that our crime rate remains low or drops to even lower levels.

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