Jose Mier commenting once again. We in Sun Valley are still anxiously waiting for the state and the nation to reopen following the coronavirus shutdown. A shutdown which is taking its toll on Sun Valley, CA businesses.
With President Trump saying recently that we are past the peak of COVID-19 infections, and with his earlier target of a possible end to stay at home orders around April 30, there has been talk from many sectors of the federal government that things may start to reopen around May 1. That would be good news to our local businesses, especially hard-hit restaurants.

Sun Valley Residents Itchy
Staying at home has been a challenge for many of us and at the very least our leisure time has become something different than it was before. We are not going out to eat or to the movies. Even exercise, when we try to get some, is fraught with safety concerns as neighbors keep their social distance and/or wear masks while outside.
Favorite Sun Valley Activities Put On Hold
While we await a reopening of Sun Valley (and our country) here’s a short list of things I will enjoy doing once more.
First, I will go out to eat. I don’t even care what restaurant it is. I just want to go somewhere and have food served to me.
Second, I will go back to my gym to try to rebuild my muscles, most of which have sagged due to weeks of inactivity.
Third, I would like to go to the movie theater. I wonder which movies are going to be available once we reopen, however, I know the release of the new James Bond film “No Time To Die” has been pushed back to November. It was something I was looking forward to and now it look like I’ll have to wait a bit longer.
Going to church was a weekly activity for me and our access to houses of worship has been cut off for weeks now. Frankly, once the danger of this virus has essentially passed, I plan to give thanks for all the little things we’ve taken for granted prior to this pandemic.
Finally, when everything has died down for good (let’s pray) I may want to take a trip. I love Sun Valley, but it would be nice to get away and take in some new scenery.