Finding My Latitude and Longitude
Trying to find Jose Mier in Sun Valley? Well you’re going to need my latitude and longitude. Actually you might want to use my address, but if you’re geocaching me latitude and longitude are going to be pretty important. I recently ran across a website on line while looking for Sun Valley information. The website is called If you’ve never checked it out it could be worth a look.

In addition to showing the geographic coordinates of a specific location such as Sun Valley California it also gives some background information about the city are looking up, where it’s located, population and places of interest. If you’re wondering what our coordinates are, they are latitude: 34.227444 and longitude: -118.381073 or put another way, 34° 13′ 38.7984” N and 118° 22′ 51.8628” W.
Those first two numbers are decimal degrees and the second two are In DMS format which stands for degrees, minutes and seconds. If you’re one of those people that’s into Geocaching, you use the dcimal format all the time. Any case, this is an interesting website if you want to find out where exactly are city in the United States—or really anywhere in the world–is located. Try it out!