Jose Mier Drives Through
If you’re a Burbank or Sun Valley resident you’re no doubt familiar with the intersection at Hollywood Way and I-5. Right across from the Ramp Restaurant. You no know doubt also know that this has been an area that has seen a lot accidents. Up until recently there was only a stop sign at the bottom of the off ramp. Trying to make a right turn after coming out of the southbound off ramp was fraught with enough difficulties but trying to make a left turn was very dangerous and I have witnessed many accidents myself because of this.
It was only a few short weeks ago that they finally got the stop light functioning at this intersection. This means both the Hollywood Way traffic and the I-5 traffic have to obey the signals here. That’s going to reduce the amount of accidents. If you’re a reader of my Jose Mier Sun Valley blog you have seen my videos where I complained about the long time it was taking our city get this stop signal working. Even though the stop lights were in place for what seems like a year, they were non-functional until recently. In my estimation it seems like it took almot a 12 months for this to be complete, which is way too long in my humble opinion.
Nevertheless, the lights are now functional and should keep us safe as we drive along Hollywood way and across Interstate 5.